Sunday, September 28, 2014

I Need A Forklift. (please)

File:Angry woman throwing a brick at Figgins' car.gif

Bricks currently on my chest:
  • Hamlet (and the one hundred pages I still have left to read)
  • The dirty clothes on my bedroom floor
  • That snide little comment you said to me last night
  • College
  • And the countless college essays I have yet to write.
  • And the fact that I have no freaking idea where I even want to go to college.
  • The future
  • Chemistry
  • That death on Grey's Anatomy
  • Awkward conversations that keep replaying over and over in my mind 
  • Unrealistic expectations from my dad
  •  Love
  • And the apparent lack thereof in my life
  • All of my hopes and dreams and desires and the fact that I probably won't achieve them
  • Not being good enough
  • Life
The cement has dried and bricks are in place, so can someone please get me a forklift? Because it's getting hard to breathe.

And I'm not sure how much longer I can take this pressure.

(here's another song about bricks.)


  1. and I'm not sure how much longer i can take this pressure.

    such a relatable post. loving it.

  2. literally every single one is the same for me minus hamlet. good luck hun <3

  3. literally every single one is the same for me, including hamlet.

    you're an excellent writer and I seriously feel so much for you right now.

    I sure hope you've got b1 lit though because 100 pages is a lot to do by tomorrow.

  4. You're going to be fine.

    Trust me.

  5. Expectations are sucky but Arctic Monkeys is great.

  6. "All of my hopes and dreams and desires and the fact that I probably won't achieve them"


  7. arctic monkeys videos are always the answer.
